Game Art Outsourcing – Qualities of a Mobile Game Developer

Game Art Outsourcing – Mobile games are very popular these days and more and more graphic design students are joining this industry to secure their future. However, mobile game development is a lot different from game art outsourcing graphic design. Not only do you need artistic skills but must have technical know-how as well. Let’s find out what are the must-have qualities of a mobile games developer.

game art

Attitude – To be a good game developer, you must have the attitude of a gamer. You must think from the users’ perspective and constantly question yourself. “What would I like to see in a game?” “What subject do I love but never saw a good game based on it?”

Technical know how – Mobiles games applications development is a lot difficult than traditional video game development. You should be expert in OpenGL, AppleScript, Core Graphics, Animation, media servers and different operating systems.

Ability to realize concepts – You must be able to understand the basic concept of a game, work with the concept artist like game art outsourcing and create a prototype to realize the business feasibility of the game. Some game ideas seem interesting on paper but due to hardware and small screen of mobile phones, the final game may not look exciting.

Cross platform coding – When you are in casual game development, you have to think about only one platform. For example, while building a game for PC, only Windows and Linux OS compatibility is your goal. However, when you develop a mobile game, you must make it Windows, Java, Symbian, Android and iOS compatible to attract highest number of gamers. A good mobile game developer adds life to an idea and mesmerizes the audience. He maintains simplicity and the right quotient of fun to engage the gamers.

Read more- game art outsourcing

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